Who serves the best wings in Rochester right now?

Tell us your favorites. Be sure to let us know which wing you order at your favorite spot.

Answer for as many or as few categories as you like.

Best Buffalo style (medium) wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is the best Buffalo style wing called on their menu?

Best Rochester style wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is the best Rochester style wing called on their menu?

Best extra spicy wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is the best extra spicy wing called on their menu?

Best Asian wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is it called on the menu?

Best barbecue wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is the best barbecue wing called on their menu?

Best gourmet wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is the best gourmet wing called on their menu?

Best soul food wings

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

What is the best soul food wing called on their menu?

Best wing place nobody knows about?

Please enter name of restaurant and city/town where they are located

Tell us more!

What else should we know about your favorite places for wings or the Rochester chicken wing landscape? (optional)

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